Brandon Lee


My Marketing Beginnings!

I thought this would be fun to share. Wow, that hair. Those glasses. Ouch! This is from 2003.

It was about 6 months into the launch of By Design Publishing Inc. and our first magazine, Home By Design. This was my 2nd company that I started in 2002. I was fortunate enough to have the company featured on a segment called Business Unusual on Fox 28 Spokane, Washington.

One thing that I would like point out is that my last 20 years have been focused on the same business strategies. I believe that marketers are the team members who create the best messages. Sales people are the team members who build relationships with the goal of presenting information and closing deals. How do we orchestrate marketing and sales to be best benefit of the business? That has been my focus.

It is still my focus with my current company, FunnelAmplified. By Design Publishing still exists too if you want to look at their offering. I sold the business in 2007. They have since been sold a few more times.

What do you think of this model? What do you think of that hair?!?!

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