Brandon Lee


Celebrate The WINS with my guest, Mike Garrison

Let’s Celebrate The W.I.Ns with Mike Garrison, the founder of Garrison Sales Consulting. Mike and I met through the Sales Enablement Society an became quick friends. In this inaugural episode you really get to just listen in while Mike and I talk about the challenges and W.I.Ns that have experience while adjusting to this new way of selling called the Internet. Ha!  It’s kind of funny but so very true for so many people. The Internet has changed the way so many had done sales for years and years.

But, don’t give up hope if you are in this boat. We have some answers. We would love to hear yours too!

Mike has some insightful thoughts and shares with us how he used LinkedIN to build relationships and create 1 amazing success. Come join us and be sure to comment below.

If you prefer, you can watch and comment directly on my Celebrate The WINs YouTube Channel or listen on my Spreakr Podcast page.

Hey, should you be a guest on my show?  Send me note and let’s talk. If you have a great W.I.N that needs to be shared, I would love to hear about it. Come tell me about it on our Celebrate The WINS website.

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